Winterthur, Switzerland April ‘09
Our partners and supporters from the Tretlager Bike Shop in Winterthur Switzerland have organized another fundraiser for Wheels 4 Life. They organized a riding clinic at their shop by Thomas Lenherr as coach.
Thanks to the support of all the participants and the folks at Tretlager Shop, Thomas Lenherr as well as Volvo Automotives AG Switzerland and
The proceeds of approx. $ 500.- will go towards our Wheels 4 Villages bike shop project in Tanzania, which was opened a few month ago and which is still in need to get some gas bottles and welding equipment for their shop.
Tretlager Werkstatt Tanzania
Dank der Unterstützung von Volvo Automobile Schweiz AG und konnte der Bikeshop Tretlager aus Winterthur Schweiz einen MTB Fahrtechnikkurs zu Gunsten Wheels4Life veranstalten. Die Einnahmen gingen vollumfänglich an die bereits gesponserte Werkstatt in Tanzania. Mit dem Betrag wird zur Vervollständigung eine Schweissanlage inkl. Gasflaschen gekauft.
Grosses Dankeschön gilt den Sponsoren, den motivierten Kursteilnehmern und Thomas Lenherr der den Kurs durchgeführte.