Stories From Around the World
For most of us bicycles are recreational equipment, but for some people a bicycle can mean survival — the difference between having a job or not, going to school or not, seeing a doctor or not…
Here are some of those people’s stories about how a bike has changed their lives.

Malawi Project Report July 2023In the year 2022, Malawi as a country, experienced tougher times as she went through cholera pandemic which claimed many lives, mostly in rural areas where transportation problems for the sick was inevitable.However, in areas where...
Can we make a difference? You bet we can and are!
Riding out of Poverty, from Kenya to Eden. Words and photos by Carmen Freeman-Rey It had been four years since Hans and I visited East Africa on a Wheels 4 Life trip. January 2008 saw us travelling to Tanzania, circumnavigating Kilimanjaro on our bicycles and focusing...
Kizito Project Report Uganda
Dear Carmen, greetings from Kizito foundation of Lyantonde in Uganda. Last Sunday, I was able to distribute the bikes to the beneficiaries and it was great! Women never thought they would be given more bikes. It was a surprise to them. I was able to take a...
CBIRD Uganda Project report
Below is a report from one of our partners in Uganda’s Masaka District, to read more click on header above: COMMUNITY BASED INITIATIVE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT TO WHEELS4LIFE Background to CBIRD Community Based Initiative for Rural Development (CBIRD)...
Costa Rica Project
Guanaride and Wheels4Life donate fifteen new bikes in Costa Rica "Thank you Manuel Bustelo, and the folks from the Guanaride Race in Costa Rica and DHL Costa Rica for making this project real" The seventh Guanaride edition took place between the 24th and...
Fish 4 Kenya’ Project in Kakamega
April 2009 W4L partner "Fish 4 Kenya" project Last year I was contacted by Susan Thompson,a fisheries management biologist based in Yukon Canada, Susan wanted to apply for bicycles for a community she works with in Kenya. Susan’s work as a fisheries...
Tanzania Trip #2 Aug. ‘08
Insights, Accomplishments and Things to do Evaluation of Bikes distributed in Jan/Feb. ‘08 Distribution of 40 bikes summer ‘08 Bike Shops: Plans to open two bike shops in Feb.‘09 Amielli near Nyotastar with container Joseph in Toloha out of his house...
Meet The Recipients of Bikes in Tanzania
We recently delivered a number of bikes, in person, to people living in Tanzania. The delivery was part of our ongoing Wheels 4 Villages project. The culture here is such that many people within the community are more than happy to share their bikes....
Bike Recipients from Kenya
SET APART KENYA – Bicycles Report. Helping Children, Youth, Women, Self Help and Community Projects Dear Hans, Receive greetings from Kenya. First I would like to apologize for the delay of the report this is because I have been involved in other...
UN Equator Initiative
Wheels 4 Life is working on a partnership with the Equator Initiative, a project of the UNITED NATIONS Development Programme ( and other partners ( The United Nations Development Programme Equator Initiative team...