The Bikes for Life project benefits the Kalinga Indigenous Children And Out-Of-School Youths Project, which is a part of the KALINGA MISSION FOR INDIGENOUS CHILDREN AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT, INC. (KAMICYDI). The goal of the project is to ease the hardship of students and out-of-school youths living in below poverty situations.
Project Achievements With Pictures
Upon receipt of email approval from Wheels4Life, we canvassed prices of bikes from three (3) suppliers. As a result, we selected the supplier named Cabanatuan Bikes & General Merchandize because of their competitive lowest prices and
We hired somebody to assemble the bikes and assisted by KAMICYDI’s staff
After we assembled all the bikes, we distributed it to the 36 direct beneficiaries. (Below are pictures of some direct beneficiaries)
Some Pictures Of Direct Beneficiaries
We conducted a community ceremony during the bikes distribution.
When the HANS REY STICKERS ARRIVED, we put it in the bikes (Please see sample pictures below)
Problems Encountered & Action Undertaken
We did not encounter any problem in the actual implementation of the said project. However, neighboring tribes keep on coming to our office and are requesting the same service. More and more tribal children and youths are coming to our office and are requesting bikes. Because of the URGENT REQUESTS OF ADDITIONAL TRIBAL CHILDREN AND YOUTHS, we told them that the said 36 bikes are donation of Wheels4Life through Hans Rey and staff like Carmen. We tried to look for additional donors of bikes but unfortunately as of to date, we did not find any additional donors of bikes.
In behalf of the direct beneficiaries, we would like to EXPRESS OUR THANKS AND GRATITUDE TO WHEELS4LIFE especially the Board and Staff of WHEELS4LIFE for their good will and passion in helping the poorest-of-the poor indigenous children and youths. Special thanks to Hans Rey and Carmen Freeman for making this service possible. May God Bless You for your kindness! In case you have additional funds, then we would like to request additional bikes to additional set of beneficiaries. This is just a request because of the need from other set of indigenous poorest-of-the poor children and youths.